Call for applications – Steering Committee|Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network (You-Can)

Volunteerism Call for applications – Steering Committee|Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network (You-Can)

Deadline: 05 March 2023 

Are you an enthusiastic and motivated young leader? Do you want to engage with UNESCO to strengthen youth climate action? Apply now for the steering committee of the Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network (YoU-CAN).

This call for applications is addressed to youth-led organizations and networks active in the field of climate change, to become network representatives of the Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network (YoU-CAN) Steering Committee.
The 15 members of the Steering Committee will have the opportunity to take on different roles including, Main Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator, Secretary, Partnership Coordinator, Finance Coordinator, Communication and Outreach Coordinator, Regional Coordinators, Thematic Coordinators. Related processes.

I. Background

Young scientists, educators, innovators and knowledge-holders around the world are playing an increasingly important role in producing knowledge, providing solutions and raising awareness for climate action. The Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network (YoU-CAN) was launched at the COP25 to create synergies among existing and future youth networks and fora, thus better harnessing and channeling the youth dynamism, future-oriented outlook and sense of responsibility. An ad-hoc Steering Group composed of 15 representatives of youth-led climate networks and organizations was established in August 2020 to advance the operationalization of YoU-CAN until the Steering Committee is set up.

II. Eligible network/organization representative candidates should:

  • Belong and have leadership experience in an active youth-led organization or network whose activities address climate action;
  • Be between 18 and 30 years old;
  • Be available at least two hours per week;
  • Possess basic understanding or knowledge of UNESCO, UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other relevant conventions, declarations and agreements in relation to climate change;
  • Be proficient in English (written and oral);
  • Be able to work online, with access to a good online connection;
  • Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural environment with a sense of inclusivity and respect.

III. Functioning

  • All YoU-CAN activities must be carried out in accordance with UNESCO's values, mandate, and internal rules and regulations.
  • During the first months of its mandate, the Steering Committee will be supported by and work in conjunction with the outgoing ad hoc Steering Group to ensure a smooth transition.

Once its members and their respective roles are identified, the Steering Committee will, among others:

  • Develop and implement strategic thematic action plans for youth climate action together with UNESCO’s Sectors of Social and Human Sciences; Natural Sciences; Education; Culture; and Communication and Information.
  • Develop, implement and evaluate cross-sectoral activities with UNESCO and YoU-CAN’s member networks.
  • Open membership of the Network.
  • Represent the Network in relevant international events.
  • Develop Network partnerships.
  • Contribute to the fundraising of the Network.

IV. Application and Selection Process

  • If your organization or network is interested in being a part of and playing an active role in the YoU-CAN Steering Committee, it is invited to submit an application proposing one representative, as per the criteria and requirements above.
  • The organization or network shall duly fill in the YoU-CAN Application Form HERE , providing information on both the network/organization and its representative
  • Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by a joint selection committee composed of current YoU-CAN ad-hoc Steering Group members and the UNESCO Secretariat. The Selection process will be conducted in English.
  • The 15 Members will be jointly selected by the YoU-CAN ad-hoc Steering Group and the UNESCO Secretariat.
  • The members of the Steering Committee will be selected based on Eligibility Criteria, in line with the considerations mentioned above. Candidates of networks/organizations who have not been selected as members of the ad hoc Steering Committee may have a role if and where appropriate, through the Membership of the Network, which will be open once the Steering Committee is established.
  • Efforts will be made to ensure UNESCO’s programmatic, geographic and gender balance and inclusion of SIDS and indigenous youth. 
  • If you encounter any problems with the form, please contact [email protected]

V. About YOU-CAN

The Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network (YoU-CAN) is a UNESCO flagship that connects existing youth climate networks worldwide to strengthen cooperation and foster multidisciplinary youth-led climate action and research. It aims to advance climate action by leveraging four key thematic areas for the achievement of a Universal Climate Citizenship: Education for Climate Action, Sciences for Climate Action, Culture for Climate Action and Communication and Information for Climate Action, through:

  • Proposing creative and innovative actions responding to local challenges and needs;
  • Supporting youth in the coproduction and dissemination of knowledge;
  • Strengthening youth capacities;
  • Ensuring youth voices are heard by participating in high-level climate events and dialogues.

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