Call for papers| Taking stock of work and employment research in the forest sector| Forest Policy and Economics

Call for papers Call for papers| Taking stock of work and employment research in the forest sector| Forest Policy and Economics

Deadline: 30 November 2024.

I. Background

Work and employment generated in the forest sector play a vital role in improving livelihoods and the well-being of people, many of whom are in rural areas across the globe. The sector covers several classifications of economic activities such as forestry and logging, manufacturing of wood and products of wood, manufacturing of pulp, paper and products of paper, and further extends to agroforestry and mangrove forests.

 The characteristics of the labour market in the forest sector vary substantially among countries and regions. For instance, job losses due to the increased mechanization and growing demand for skilled workforce have been observed in many countries, notably in the Global North. Meanwhile, a high degree of informality is the most salient feature of the forest-related labour market of several economies in the Global South. A number of decent work deficits persist in the sector, often related to occupational safety and health (OSH), gender inequality and poor-quality employment, in which workers earn their livelihoods in inadequate working conditions.

The recent pandemic, climate change, and other crises have further exacerbated these existing challenges, particularly among workers in the most disadvantaged situations, such as individuals in insecure forms of work, migrant workers, women, youth, indigenous and tribal peoples.Given the distinction of the labour market in the forest sector worldwide, policy strategies that tackle the long-standing challenges in the forest labour market can vary from context to context. It is thus essential to understand the state of work and employment in the sector before drawing conclusions and reinforcing their relevance to policymaking and practice. Despite some existing literature over the past decade, there are still lots of space for contributing studies in this discipline.

A key editorial goal of this SI is, therefore, two-fold. First, it aims to assemble a spectrum of quality research covering a wide range of topics related to work and employment in the forest sector. Papers published in this SI will contribute to a deeper understanding of the current status of forest-related employment and how it is developed across economies and regions. Second, taking stock of relevant studies from various geographic and levels of analyses offer a lens for identifying knowledge gaps and future trends in this field of research. To fully represent the multifaceted aspects of work and employment in the forest sector, studies that address one or more of the below topics, but not limited to  them are invited:

  1. Contribution of forests and the forest sector to employment
  2. Causes and consequences of informal economy in the forest sector
  3. Data and methods for measuring employment indicators relevant to the forest sector
  4. OSH for the forest-related workforce, including the effectiveness of OSH infrastructure, policies, and legislation
  5. Adequate earnings and social security coverage for forest-related workforce
  6. Women and youth in the forest-sector labour market and gender inequalities at work
  7. Green, blue job opportunities
  8. Governance in the world of forest-related work, such as forest certification, labour standards
  9. Education and training required for the future workforce
  10. Sustainable business models of forest- based value chains relevant to the labour aspects

II. Guest editors:


  • Dr. Tatiana Lizbeth Ojeda Luna
    Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador
    Email: [email protected]



III. Submission


IV. About Forest Policy and Economics

Forest Policy and Economics has grown into a well-established and recognized academic journal, which publishes peer-reviewed political and economic research relating to forests and forest-related industries, which are of a high scientific standard. It also welcomes contributions from other social science and humanities perspectives, which make a clear theoretical/conceptual and methodological contribution to existing international literatures. These may include, but are not limited to, planning, sociology, anthropology, history, jurisprudence, and psychology research on forests.

The journal invites high quality, original submissions of research and review manuscripts from around the globe as well as proposals for special issues, which resulted from intense previous scientific exchange. In general we aim to publish concise manuscripts of about 8000 words maximum (does not apply for literature review submissions). We still appreciate manuscripts, however, for whose aims an extended format is absolutely necessary. Acceptance for publication is subject to a double-blind refereeing process.
Please consult the updated aims and scope for details under


Please be informed that Forest Policy and Economics employs a Double Blind Review system whereby both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous.


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