Deadline: 27 September 2024
I. Background
The accurate estimation of individual animal dry-matter intake (DMI) at grazing is one of the most important measurements undertaken in grazing research experiments. It is particularly important for understanding and elucidating the effect of different grazing, management or supplementation strategies on animal performance at pasture. Accurate estimation of DMI at grazing is also important for genetic evaluations of important traits in various indexes and the use of nutritional models. However, due to the nature of pasture-based production systems, accurate estimation of individual animal DMI at grazing is difficult.
The most widely used method to measure DMI with grazing livestock in research settings has been the n-alkane technique, especially in perennial ryegrass dominated pastures, which was first proposed for use in sheep and cattle over 30 years ago. However, the inclusion of legumes and herbs in perennial ryegrass swards has complicated the estimation of DMI at grazing using the n-alkane technique and the n-alkane technique may not be the most accurate method to determine DMI of diverse swards.
The objective of this project is to update and validate the n-alkane technique for DMI estimation of diverse swards. A secondary objective is to investigate if alternative methodologies such as the use of long chain alcohols (used in junction with n-alkanes) or the ytterbium/faecal index technique may provide better estimates of DMI, digestibility and diet composition of diverse swards than alkanes alone.
The PhD project will include, but is not limited to, working on exciting animal experiments, both grazing and indoor feeding experiments, to collect faeces and herbage samples, undertake herbage measurements and analysis, and data collection. The project will also require working in a technical laboratory setting to analyse dietary components for alkane and alcohol contents, statistical analysis, reporting and publishing findings at (inter)national conferences and industry meetings, preparation of papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals, and preparation of a thesis.
II. Requirements
- Applicants must have a first or upper second-class honours primary degree (or the equivalent) in Agricultural Science, Analytical Science or a related discipline.
- The successful candidate should be enthusiastic and self-motivated and be prepared to work independently and as part of team.
- A minimum level of competency in English is required. Please see the link with regard to English Language requirements HERE
III. Award
- The PhD scholarship is a joint research project between Teagasc, Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Moorepark and University College Cork (UCC; School of Biological Earth and Environmental Science).
- It is envisaged that the successful graduate will begin in late 2024 or early 2025, will be based at Teagasc Moorepark and will be registered at UCC under the supervision of Dr Brian McCarthy (Teagasc), Dr Michael Dineen (Teagasc) and Dr Deirdre Hennessy (UCC).
- The scholarship funding is €25,000 per annum and plus a contribution to fees up to a maximum of €6,000 per annum and is tenable for 4 years.
IV. How To Apply?
- Interested candidates should submit a CV and a letter of interest by email to Dr Brian McCarthy ([email protected] ). Please include ‘DMI of Diverse Swards PhD’ in the email subject line.
- For further information, please, contact: Dr Brian McCarthy, Teagasc. Email: [email protected] and/or Dr Deirdre Hennessy, UCC. Email [email protected]