PhD Scholarship Opportunity| AgriAdapt: Quantifying the incidence and effect of increasing disease pressure on perennial ryegrass varieties

PhD PhD Scholarship Opportunity| AgriAdapt: Quantifying the incidence and effect of increasing disease pressure on perennial ryegrass varieties

Deadline: 05 August 2024

I. Background

Perennial ryegrass is the principle forage species sown in Ireland. Whilst not recognised as a majorrisk, perennial ryegrass can be infected by a number of pathogens negatively affecting herbage yield and quality. Currently in perennial ryegrass evaluation trials differences in disease resistance of varieties are observed but are not expressed in variety selection tools. As climate change occurs in Ireland, it is expected that the Irish weather will feature greater periods of warmer and wetter weather with increasing risk of prolonged dry spends during summer months.

Warmer and wetter weather creates a favourable environment for the inoculation, colonisation and reproduction of wet weather diseases such as net blotches and mildew that affect perennial ryegrass. This coupled with an expected reduction in the permissible amount of nitrogen application on farm will further increase the threat of disease on Irish grass swards. Varietal differences in disease resistance are recognised in a range of crops including perennial ryegrass. A greater understanding of perennial ryegrass disease dynamics is needed to futureproof Ireland’s grassland system.

This project aims to:

 1. Quantify the effects of increasing disease pressure on perennial ryegrass herbage yield production and nutritive quality;

2. Assess the current level of disease pressure experienced on Irish farms using the Teagasc Moorepark On-farm variety evaluation trials network;

3. Identify cultural, varietal and management strategies available to farmers to reduce the level of disease incidence on farm and

4. Develop and utilise imaging technology for high throughput assessments of yield, persistency and disease incidence in perennial ryegrass white clover swards.

This PhD studentship will contain a mixture of applied plot and on-farm experimentation, coupled with opportunities to attend/present at national and international conferences and attend courses to develop skills and knowledge.

II. Requirements

  • Applications are invited from graduates holding or expecting an honours degree in Agricultural Science, Plant science or related disciplines.
  • The successful candidate should be highly self-motivated and prepared for field work.

III. Award

  • The PhD Scholarship is a joint research project between Teagasc Moorepark and the Department of Agriculture, Food and Animal Health in Dundalk Institute of Technology (DKIT), funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
  • The student will be based at Teagasc, Moorepark, Co. Cork and will be registered at DKIT, working under the supervision of Dr. Tomás Tubritt (Teagasc), Dr. Joseph Lynch (DKIT) and Prof. Michael O’Donovan (Teagasc).
  • The Walsh Scholarship funding is €31,000 per annum and includes University fees of up to a maximum of €6,000 per annum, tenable for 4 years

IV. How To Apply?

  • Applicants should submit a CV and covering letter detailing their qualifications and experience by email to Dr. Tomás Tubritt ([email protected] ).
  • For further information, please contact: Dr. Tomás Tubritt, Teagasc, Grassland Science Research Department, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland Email: [email protected]


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